In order to protect them, and except as permitted by applicable legislation, you may not:Ī) decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the Software to a human-perceivable form ī) modify, network, rent, lend, loan, distribute or create derivative works based upon the Software in whole or in part orĬ) electronically transmit the Software from one computer to another or over a network or otherwise transfer the Software except as permitted by this License.ģ. The Software contains copyrighted and patented material, trade secrets and other proprietary material. Upon such transfer your license is then terminated.Ģ. You must reproduce on such copy SAGER's copyright notice and any other proprietary legends that were on the original copy of the Software ĭ) transfer all your license rights in the Software provided you must also transfer a copy of this License, the backup copy of the Software, the SAGER Hardware and the related documentation and provided the other party reads and agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this License. You may:Ī) load the Software into SAGER Hardware ī) use the Software solely in conjunction with a single SAGER Hardware Ĭ) make one copy of the Software in machine-readable form for backup purposes only. You own the medium on which the Software is recorded, but SAGER and SAGER's Licensors (referred to collectively as "SAGER") retain title to the Software and related documentation. ("SAGER") for use solely in conjunction with SAGER Notebook computers purchased with the Software ("SAGER Hardware").

The software accompanying this License (hereinafter "Software"), regardless of the media on which it is distributed, are licensed to you by Sager Midern Computer, Inc. ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY FOR YOUR FAILURE TO OBTAIN SUCH LICENSES, IF REQUIRED.ġ. PLEASE NOTE THAT USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE SOFTWARE WITH A MICROSOFT OPERATING SYSTEM MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL LICENSES FROM MICROSOFT AND SAGER MIDERN COMPUTER, INC. BY INSTALLING OR USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. deb file to download and install from.PLEASE READ THIS LICENSE CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE SOFTWARE. I noticed that Banshee is no longer available in the software center, and IO have not been able to find a. My second question is on how (and if) to install Banshee on my system. I was hoping to find a UEFI/BIOS that was specific to linux in general.

I have not updated it since I got the laptop, and I figure it is about time to do so, and I was looking for a straightforward and (if possible) easy way to do this. It is still running great, and I have not had any problems, but I am trying to do some research into updating the UEFI/BIOS. The laptop I am running now is a Sager (Clevo) 9377 that I purchased new back in early 2015. My first question is about updating the UEFI/BIOS on my laptop. I have been using linux for a while now (mainly Ubuntu), and have 2 questions.